Gates White Suffolks - Making More from Sheep
Making more from sheep
Making More from Sheep is a partnership between MLA and AWI. It provides Australian lamb and wool producers with best-practice information, tools and training to help them build profitable and sustainable sheep enterprises.
Online resource
The Making More from Sheep website is a dedicated online resource providing access to an online manual, latest resources and tools, email updates, news and events, producer case studies and program coordinators.
Producer events
A range of events, workshops, seminars, webinars and forums help producers apply the practices and principles outlined in the MMfS manual.
Step-by-step guide
The 12-module online manual is based on the experiences of nearly 250 sheep producers and technical specialists:
- Module 1 - Plan for Success
Helps producers set clear business objectives and strategic direction. - Module 2 - Market Focused Wool Production
Provides a background to wool enterprise planning and is designed to assist with on-farm decision making. - Module 3 - Market Focused Lamb and Sheepmeat Production
Assists producers to deliver quality-assured lamb and sheepmeat to target market specifications. - Module 4 - Capable and Confident Producers
Offers practical ways to boost capacity, capability and confidence through effective communication, long-term planning and, ultimately, business performance. - Module 5 - Protect Your Farm's Natural Assets
Details procedures to help producers build capital value and profitability, while keeping natural assets functioning effectively now and into the future. - Module 6 - Healthy Soils
Outlines practices to determine soil health and to improve soil health to maximise pasture growth. - Module 7 - Grow More Pasture
Outlines procedures to help producers grow more pasture on their property. - Module 8 - Turn Pasture into Profit
Outlines ways to achieve alignment between animal demand and pasture supply to maximise animal production without jeopardising the feedbase or natural resources. - Module 9 - Gain from Genetics
Assists the commercial flock owner to capture the benefits of improved genetics. - Module 10 - Wean More Lambs
Provides a management framework and guidelines to improve flock reproduction rates and lamb survival to weaning. - Module 11 - Healthy and Contented Sheep
Demonstrates cost-effective parasite and disease-management strategies. - Module 12 - Efficient Pastoral Production
Assists pastoral sheep producers increase enterprise productivity, profitability and personal satisfaction of operating a successful pastoral business
Assists pastoral sheep producers increase enterprise productivity, profitability and personal satisfaction of operating a successful pastoral business
You can access MLA's "Making more from sheep" modules on this website: